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Southam Parish Council Gloucestershire
Southam Amateur Dramatic Group
(SouthAM DRAM)
Who We Are
SouthAM DRAMatic Group is a team of local adults and children who get together to perform an annual pantomime. In the Junior Club we teach acting skills as well as theatre terminology, lighting and musical techniques. The children gain in confidence, ambition and achievement; the Junior Club are a key part of the annual pantomime.
New members, young or not so young, are always welcome, and no previous acting or theatre experience is necessary. You can help on stage, back stage, or even with script writing.
When We Meet
Southam Junior AMDRAM Club meets most Mondays from 5 to 6 pm in Southam Village Hall.
​SouthAM DRAM Adult Group meet most Tuesday evenings from 7 to 8 pm in the Chapel in the Ellenborough Park Hotel

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