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Current Planning Applications

Details of the applications shown below can be viewed on the Tewkesbury Borough Council planning portal

These are current applications only.  Past applications may be viewed on the Tewkesbury Borough Council website.  The Parish Council, in its capacity as statutory consultee, will consider each of the applications shown below at the next council meeting although this may not always be possible if the next meeting falls after the closing date for comments.  Residents may submit their own comments on applications direct to Tewkesbury Borough Council Planning Department either via the planning portal or by email to

Alternatively you may write to the relevant Planning Officer.  Please telephone 01684 272151 for further information.


TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT 1990 APPEAL AGAINST REFUSAL OF PLANNING PERMISSION  The Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government (through the Planning Inspectorate), has received an appeal for refusal of planning permission for Change of use of land to use as a Gypsy/Traveller site comprising No.11 pitches. No.11 static mobile homes for residential purposes shall be stationed alongside the stationing of No.7 ancillary touring caravans. Provision of internal roadways and fencing. (Part retrospective). at Land East Of Kayte Lane, Southam, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, GL52 3PD. The appeal is to be dealt with by way of an hearing. A date and venue for the hearing has yet to be agreed and we will write to you again to inform you of these details. As a consultee who made comments upon the planning application, you may take part in the process as follows:-  Any comments that you sent to the Council regarding application for planning permission will be forwarded to the Planning Inspectorate and copied to the appellant. The Inspector in deciding the appeal will take these comments into account.  Under the Local Government (Access to Information) Act, 1985 Tewkesbury Borough Council and the Planning Inspectorate will publish appeal documentation, including copies of representations received, on the Councils/Government website. May I take this opportunity to remind you that comments received as part of the original planning application process are already available to view on our website. However, sensitive data including contact details and signatures have been removed.  Any additional or modified comments you may wish to make must be sent through The Planning Inspectorate appeals casework portal, Alternatively, you can post a copy of your comments to the Planning Inspectorate. Please send them to 3C, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Bristol BS1 6PN, quoting their reference APP/G1630/W/24/3336834.  Comments to the Planning Inspectorate need to arrive by 17.06.2024. Any comments received after the deadline will not normally be seen and will be returned to you.  If you would like to know the result of the appeal decision this will be published on our website at  You may also download information from the Planning Inspectorate web site on for guidance on Planning Appeals


24/00426/FUL Replacement of existing conservatory with single storey side extension. Cleeve Hill Hotel Cleeve Hill Southam


24/00497/FUL DESCRIPTION: Variation of condition 2 of permission reference 23/00879/FUL to enable revised layout. LOCATION: GRID REF: Southam Riding School , Southam Road, Prestbury


Tewkesbury, Cheltenham & Gloucester Strategic and Local Plan consultation For more information and to sign up for notifications about the SLP, and other planning policy consultations, visit or contact

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