Southam Parish Council Gloucestershire
Parish Council Meetings.
Next Meeting.
Parish Council meetings have resumed the normal schedule of the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7.30pm in the Village Hall
The Agenda is available 5 days before the meeting.​ Please see agenda for full details.

Public Participation in Meetings.
Parishioners are advised that each Parish Council meeting will be adjourned for up to 15 minutes to allow members of the public to raise questions or make comment on any item on the agenda. All representations to the Council will be limited to 3 minutes per person.
If time permits, it may be possible to accept comments or answer questions on items not covered in the agenda. Some questions may require a written response and any items requiring a Council decision will need to be deferred to a future meeting. Questions and comments may also be passed to the Clerk by email in between meetings.